Monday, December 10, 2012

More Pills

Every year pharmacists work diligently to try and come out with new and better medicines for unwell patients.  This past year the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) approved 35 new drugs to be used in the United States.  That number matches last years number as the highest number of new approved drugs since 2004 when there were 36 drugs approved.  During many of the years in between the number was about half of what it has been the past couple of years.  These numbers may help to show a better pharmaceutical industry.
The FDA believes that they have made advancements not only in the way they produce the drugs but also the way they go about approving them.  They are now being able to approve drugs at a much faster and more professional way, allowing the public to be able to use the drugs they need.  Some of the drugs approved this past year include medicine for:  basal skin cancer, HIV and macular degeneration, a meningitis vaccine, and many new medicines for orphans.

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