Monday, December 10, 2012

More Pills

Every year pharmacists work diligently to try and come out with new and better medicines for unwell patients.  This past year the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) approved 35 new drugs to be used in the United States.  That number matches last years number as the highest number of new approved drugs since 2004 when there were 36 drugs approved.  During many of the years in between the number was about half of what it has been the past couple of years.  These numbers may help to show a better pharmaceutical industry.
The FDA believes that they have made advancements not only in the way they produce the drugs but also the way they go about approving them.  They are now being able to approve drugs at a much faster and more professional way, allowing the public to be able to use the drugs they need.  Some of the drugs approved this past year include medicine for:  basal skin cancer, HIV and macular degeneration, a meningitis vaccine, and many new medicines for orphans.

Can I Get Some More ICE?

Global Warming is hitting again and hitting hard.  This year in the Arctic, several records were broken but not in a good way.  The amount of snow in the northern hemisphere in June were at record lows and the entire Greenland Ice Cap showed evidence of melting for the first time since 1979.  People continue to talk about global warming constantly but still the problem just grows and grows with no end or real solution to speak of.  Some scientists believe that if we are not there already then we are on the verge of seeing a new Arctic.  The reduction of snow in the Arctic in the summertime has made the ocean and the Arctic darker allowing it to absorb more sunlight and make things even worse.

Donald Perovich, an Arctic researcher at Dartmouth, said "The Arctic is one of Earth's mirrors, and that mirror is breaking."  The darkening ocean and Arctic surface are the reasons that the Arctic is warming up twice as fast as most of the rest of the world.  Wildlife in the areas around the Arctic are suffering because those animals were not meant to live in those types of conditions.  In reality all animals, including humans, will ultimately be affected the what goes on in the Arctic because even though it seems like its way up North and can't harm us, what happens in the Arctic does affect everybody.

Why Are Your Pupils So Big?

Different feelings, emotions, and thoughts can all cause different "ticks" in our physical appearance.  Many of these "ticks" occur in the eyes whether it be blinking or looking down.  Another of these "ticks" is the expansion of the pupil of the eye making it bigger.  It is nothing knew for scientists to know that the pupil will get bigger due to things other than a change in the light.  Pupil dilation doesn't come from the same part of the nervous system as the cortex which takes in an image and sends it to the brain.  The enlargement of the pupil is something out of conscious control.  It moves the iris in order to take in different amounts of light.  Different lighting can cause the pupil to shrink below two millimeters and other times grow to about eight millimeters in the dark.  Although the changes in the pupil  when cause my emotions and thoughts is usually a difference of less than a millimeter it can still help to recognize psychological phenomena.

When you are asked a question your pupils will enlarge in proportion to how hard the question is and will shrink back to normal once you finish the question.  In this way pupils show the amount of mental strain someone is going through as they try to solve a problem.  Scientist have now run studies where they believe they can come close to knowing what the person is feeling or thinking before the person does based on how their pupils look and expand.  The study of the pupils is known as pupillometry and scientists are continuously working harder and harder to be able to understand and tell what a person is feeling just by their pupils.  It has not got to the point yet of being able to be used for everyday situations because the pupils can be so small but if you look close enough, according to Men's Health Magazine, it can let guys know when they should "make their move."

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Scammin' the Elderly

Older people always get made fun of for different reasons whether it be their hearing, their infatuation with the past, or their driving.  It is no secret that as you get older you lose certain abilities that you had when you were younger.  The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) released a study that found 80 percent of people who are involved in financial scams are above the age of 65.  Why is this the case?  A psychologist named Shelley Taylor from UCLA conducted a study with 119 older people (55-84) and 34 young people (20-42).  She gave each group pictures of faces which were pre-rated for trustworthiness.  She found that the older group found people that were determined to have untrustworthy faces as being trustworthy much more frequently than the younger group.  The older people's problem was they missed key facial cues like a full smile or direct gaze.

The researchers decided to conduct more tests and this time they got 44 volunteers to undergo a fMRI (functional magnetic brain imaging) while they were showed different faces.  The younger people had a lot more activity in the area associated with "gut feelings" known as the anterior singula, while the older people had very little to zero brain activity in this region.  There are still more studies that need to be done to determine whether the little to no activity in the brains of older people is a cause or effect of the elderly being more trusting.