Tuesday, September 11, 2012

MO Sleep MO Knowledge

In Israel, scientists have recently conducted studies that help to prove that people can gain new knowledge during sleep.  They conducted the experiment by playing music tones in the ears of sleeping people while they waft different smells in their noses.  The better something smelled the strong the sleeping individual would sniff.  When the smells were taken away and people were just left with the tones the scientists found that people were still sniffing to certain tones, even after waking up, although they didn't know what had happened while they were sleeping.

This opens up the door for a complete new way of learning information.  We can now unconsciously gain knowledge.  People who have trouble focusing on learning in normal atmospheres might have another option.  The scientists recognize that there are limitations to what people will be able to learn while they are sleeping but they expect that the limitations will be less than what they presently think.  One aspect that was focused on was getting people to unconsciously overcome an addiction.  Being aware of a habit and trying to get rid of it can be very hard for many people.  If they can overcome this addiction in their sleep then it could have a much bigger affect. 

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